The Travelling Midwife


I’m Carly. A travel midwife/nurse, immuniser and part-time academic. 

My husband (Chris) and I had always talked about one day travelling Australia.  Well, after numerous lockdowns in Melbourne, our cheery dispositions took a beating and we decided that ‘one day’ is today.  So, in February 2021 I quit my job! My husband closed his business and we packed our lives into our car, sold our house and hopped on The Spirit Of Tasmania ferry to head to Tassie for a quick holiday before searching for work. 

Was I nervous????  Hell yes!!

We’d just voluntarily made ourselves homeless and unemployed, in the middle of a global pandemic.  I had assured Chris there was heaps of work out there and it wouldn’t be a problem – but now we had no life raft so I was hoping my assurances would come to fruition. 

Our little holiday in Tasmania turned into an 8-week contract, which was extended multiple times and my life as a travel midwife/nurse begun.