All the right questions to ask
Joining an agency for the first time, here’s what you need to ask about your contract:
What is the facility location?
What area will I be working in?
Will I be floated if it’s quiet?
How many hours am I contracted to?
What shifts will I be on? Rotating, night shift, day shift? (check your contract, does it state you consent to an 8 hour break…meaning you’re happy to do late/early shifts – e.g. finish at 11pm start at 7am)
Do I get an orientation shift? (some places you will, others you’ll need to hit the ground running).
Travel costs
Are they paid for there and back?
If I’m driving, is the whole amount covered or only an allocated amount?
Do I need to provide fuel receipts?
Is it shared or private?
If shared, is there a private bathroom? (I’ve seen some shared accommodation where there isn’t even a lock on the bathroom door…if you’re not comfortable with something always speak up).
Is accommodation fully included or is there a cost?
Can my partner/ family/ pets come?
The pay rate
And of course the all-important pay rate … you’ll normally have to provide a statement of service to verify which level you’ve attained.
Some of these won’t matter to you, others will make or break whether you sign a contract.
Don’t let an agent make you feel bad for asking questions or knowing what you want… you’re the one who’s going to be doing the job.
Happy hunting!
Just what I needed
Thanks for reading! I also discuss this topic in my podcast, Head On View, which you can find here: